Crunchy Tech in 2014 Florida Companies To Watch

Crunchy is honored to be a part of Grow FL’s annual top 50 2014 Florida Companies to Watch award! Florida Companies to Watch celebrates growing second-stage companies headquartered in Florida. Companies to Watch was developed by the Edward Lowe Foundation as a unique way to recognize and honor second-stage companies that demonstrate high performance in the marketplace with innovative strategies and processes, making them “worth watching”.
Here are some quick stats on the top 50 in Florida:
2014 Florida Companies To Watch
Economic Impact of 50 Second-Stage Companies
$370 million in total annual revenue
36% increase in total revenue compared to 2012
1,757 full-time equivalent employees
462 net new jobs projected for 2014
Increasing Impact
From 2010 through 2013, these companies generated nearly $1 billion in revenue and added 959 employees, reflecting a $149 increase in revenue and 120% increase in jobs for the four-year period. That translates into a 31% annual revenue growth and 26% annual growth in employees. These companies project conintued growth in 2014, with a 36% revenue increase and 26% growth in employees compared to 2013. If their projections hold, these companies will have generated $1.5 billion in revenue and added 1,421 employees over the last five years – a 243% increase in revenue and 178% increase in jobs since 2009.
Crunchy wants to thank the person out there who originally nominated them for this award because we would have never been able to experience this fantastic award ceremony without them. There are so many great reasons to setup business in Florida and the market couldn’t be better for our niche technology products.
Read the full article from the GrowFL website here
Or check it out on Twitter with hash #FLCTW!