Increase Your Bottom Line With an AV Tech Refresh

AV Tech Refresh That Won’t Kill Your Budget

AV equipment is often an undervalued but essential asset to any professional environment. From visual presentation to communication and strategy work, the role of AV tech in a functional and forward-thinking business cannot be overlooked.

Of course, technology is not an asset that stands still. In fact, in many instances, AV equipment depreciates over time as newer models are introduced or when new equipment changes the tech market entirely. This can leave many businesses struggling with out-dated equipment with no clear path to replacing it.

So what can companies do when they find themselves pinned down with old, expensive and obsolete AV equipment? Well, as a high quality AV integrator, Crunchy Tech has the insight, resources and skills to help effectively upgrade AV systems while keeping costs in a healthy range.

To understand how AV integration works, however, we need to establish the actual cost of outdated AV equipment, how it can hinder companies today and what solutions are available.

The cost of old AV

The number one drawback to old AV equipment is when it simply stops working. Despite how dependent most modern operations are on technology, most hardware comes with a finite lifecycle before it simply needs to be replaced.

This lifecycle is by design. Part of it is down to the fact that technology develops at such a rapid pace compared to most industries that developers spend more time innovating for now than focusing on longevity because of the cost and resource benefit.

The other reason behind this lifecycle is that most AV equipment has parts like filaments and circuits that will naturally deteriorate over time through usage. Unlike engine parts and even most desktops, however, AV equipment isn’t built with a modular design.

In other words, where desktops can upgrade RAM, hard drives, CPUs and GPUs as individual parts without affecting the whole system, AV equipment often either needs to be replaced wholesale or taken to technicians specifically trained to fix it , which often drives up the cost of repairs.

This is, of course, assuming that there are funds immediately available to pay for this. The trouble with most businesses when it comes to AV equipment is that they work under the assumption that the equipment will last forever. The truth is that it won’t, and more often than not, when it fails it will be at the most inopportune time.

Introducing a Tech Refreshment Cycle

So why does a tech refreshment cycle represent a strong solution to outdated AV equipment? Let’s break it down.

Upgrading to more energy-efficient models

One of the biggest unseen costs of older AV equipment and tech in general is energy efficiency. Because of the development of better battery systems, circuitry and optimization, energy-heavy AV tech like projectors, smart boards and conference TVs tend to use less energy with each new model, all while often offering better quality.

Replacing wasteful technology isn’t just a one-time benefit – it’s an action that cam improve an electricity bill every month and help companies become a little greener.

Improved functionality

Think back to the last cellphone upgrade you had. Did you notice how much quicker and more accessible everything was? Did you notice that you were waiting less? Older technology isn’t just slower and of lesser quality, it also requires more maintenance in standby mode and during the start-up phase.

There’s nothing more embarrassing than waiting for an old projector to power up or a Bluetooth conference phone that takes forever to sync. The speed of newer technology can elevate professional standards and keep minds focused on the task at hand.

Staggered upgrades

AV integration doesn’t have to be one major undertaking that ends up costing an arm and a leg. In fact, it works best when AV integrators can assess a company’s AV assets and create a refreshment strategy that focuses on the most pressing areas. This way, companies can budget for upgrades in a sustainable way and place focus where upgrades would have the most value.

Staggering allows for better planning, fewer tech issues and a clearer understanding of the AV ecosystem a company has on hand and how to make the most of it.

Don’t Know Where to Start?

If you’d like to learn about how AV integration can help your business, feel free to contact Crunchy Tech by filling out the form below and let us help you make the most of your systems.